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Lance Colwill

Hello and welcome! Who is this Lance person you may ask?

I am an accomplished Information Technology Director with extensive experience in IT strategy, cost reduction, and enhancing customer satisfaction. As a Texas State Bobcat, devoted husband, and father of three, I excel in fostering environments that prioritize creativity, strategic planning, and collaborative leadership. My expertise encompasses a broad range of areas, including telecom/networking, cloud computing, automation, and agile methodologies. I have a proven track record of leading transformative projects that align with strategic business goals and drive significant cost savings.


A Passion For Technology Impact

A drive to leverage cutting-edge technologies to create meaningful change in both business and society. It’s about harnessing the power of innovation to solve real-world problems, improve efficiency, and enhance the quality of life. This passion goes beyond mere fascination with gadgets and software; it involves a deep commitment to applying technological advancements to foster sustainable growth, enable transformative solutions, and catalyze positive societal shifts. My passion for technology impact is an impetus for redefining industries and empowering communities in profound ways.

Elony Award Winner

Dallas, Texas

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My Services

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Mentorship & Leadership

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Product Management

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Operation Connect

Remote and Hybrid Working

Network, Telecom, and Collaboration Redesign


Many times in technology we are presented with situations which require immediate execution with flawless delivery. One such project occurred when the world experience the shock and disruption of our last purported pandemic. Migrating to remote technologies and collaboration was all the sudden an essential need.



List partnerships here from throughout the years. Dolore chillwave skateboard master cleanse glossier kickstarter pug fanny pack labore duis. Chartreuse enamel pin tempor, before they sold out kombucha church-key incididunt photo. 


CIO Testimonials

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Albert James

Loomy App

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Schedule a Partnering Session

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